A drop of something very special

The well-stocked bar at the “C und M” is unrivalled: there is many a hidden treasure to be enjoyed here in a relaxing atmosphere.

Barolo Chinato, for example: a magnificent apéritif wine that has been produced by families in Piedmont for generations. Or the Säntis Malt, a multiple award-winning single malt from the Swiss Alpstein massif. Now, Lagavulin is a whisky – and what a splendid one it is, too: a single malt for connoisseurs to be explored and savoured, taking all the time in the world. Anyone with more a penchant for sweet things might like to try a Vin Santo del Chianti Classico: this sweet wine is a concentrated nectar of grapes dried to raisins and reminiscent of nuts, honey and almonds.


From Heidi fruit-herbal teas through to Indian Chai – the assortment of teas served at the “C und M” simply spoils you for choice. And how about a freshly pressed fruit juice on a hot summer’s day? Or are you looking for something a little different? If so, you might opt for a tart-sweet rhubarb nectar.

Are you familiar with the Swiss lemonade Gazosa La Fiorenzana? The Ponio-Tonna family started producing fruit drinks based on original recipes in Grono/Val Mesolcina as long ago as 1921. Try the distinctive Mirtillo, for example: a luminescent blue water with a taste of blueberry.

Here you will find the current beverage list.
